Everything works out

Carpe Diem Collections
2 min readDec 29, 2023


“Everything works out” or so they say. But is that true? As a teenage girl, there are times when the world feels like it’s ending. Heartbreak, failing, rejection, grieving. You think, “Why me? Why do things never go my way?”

At least that was me during October and November. Now it's December, which has been one of the best months of my life — if not THE best. New car, new driver’s license, new job, new people, new experiences. In a month, everything’s changed and I’ve come to realize that for the two months that I thought my world was ending, it wasn’t. I realize that you need these low lows to appreciate and truly feel these high highs.

To the average adult, this may just be common sense; like obviously the world doesn’t end when you’re 17. But as I’m experiencing my own coming-of-age film, experiencing everything in my story, this is something I’ve come to learn in 2023. As much as you hear all about these clichés regarding failing or heartbreak or disappointment, you don’t internalize it until you truly experience it for yourself.

This year taught me that everything works out. Does everything happen for a reason? I’m not sure. But I can confidently say that everything does work out. And I know sometime in the future, life knocks you down but you get back up because that’s your part of the deal. As a human being, we are fortunate enough to experience life and live the way we want to. And with that comes unexpected pain and hardship, but to live means to suffer and that’s the beauty of being human. We are more resilient than we think.

So thank you 2023, you taught me to live intentionally and be truly grateful for what I have right now.

